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Surgery and Coming Home

I arrived at the hospital a little before 6:00 a.m. Since I had already pre-registered, I skipped that desk and went straight to check in. My DH was with me and I am sure this day was very long for him, but to me, it flew by!

They called me back about 6:15 and began taking my vitals. Everyone was super nice and full of energy. Me on the other hand...not so much. I hadn't been allowed to eat or drink anything and this included coffee. After explaining the different medications I would receive, my PIC line was inserted. I remember my DH coming into the room and Dr. Harris stopping by, and that is about it. The next thing I knew, I was in a recovery room trying to open my eyes.

I think the surgery took about an hour. Dr. Harris had told me before that he wouldn't cut my separation any larger to put mesh in. If the separation wasn't large enough for the smallest piece of mesh, he would just sew my abdominal wall together without the mesh. This is what I was hoping for. I have heard so many horror stories about complications with mesh surgeries. The first thing I remember asking was whether or not he had to use the mesh. I was informed that I was one centimeter shy of needing it! I am hoping this means my recovery time will go faster. :)

After a trip through Chic-Fil-A for a White Chocolate Peppermint Shake (priorities), we were on our way home. I don't remember much about that day. I climbed into our bed and ate soup at some point...I had read that a recliner would be my friend for the first few days. Well, we don't have a recliner, but our bed is one of those fancy-smancy ones where you can raise the head and the feet. That night, since my DH, Ben, needed to sleep, too, we kept it only slightly raised. HUGE MISTAKE.

What I failed to read about beforehand was how sometimes after surgery requiring a breathing tube, mucus will break up in your lungs. I woke up the next morning and rolled out of bed. As soon as I stood up, the mucus settled and completely blocked my airway! I kept trying to cough it up, but it wasn't moving. I was trying to remain calm, but nothing was working. Ben woke up from the noise I was making and realized that I could not breathe. He spun me around and began beating on my back to try and knock it loose. He later told me he felt bad hitting me knowing I had just had surgery. Since you're reading this, I guess you realize it worked. :) The second night, I made sure to stay around a 60-degree angle and woke up with no problems.
